Our Profile


Tuwajali Wajane Kwale  (TWKI) is a women led and women serving community based organisation, based in Msambweni sub county Ramisi ward Kwale county, sawa sawa village. The group has a total of 7 (5f,2m) board members and is registered with the department of social development office as a community based organization DSD/KWL/MSAMB/CBO/03633/2021.working with widows, youth orphans ,young mothers raised  in widow headed homestead, orphans and other vulnerable women from 30 women groups and serves over  800 women, the organisation constitution dictates 70 % of members have to be widows while 30% other vulnerable groups of people women including those living with special ability.

The organisation was founded by Mwanasha Gaserego who is the director after seeing that there was increased socio-economic marginalization and stigmatization among widows and it was therefore formed to address this through community dialogue with relevant stakeholders and innovation of practical initiatives for socio economic transformation.

The widows were identified through friends, the village elders and references from likeminded people, the group has 30 chapters all registered as self-help women groups, with the department of social services Msambweni. The chapters are independent and work with Tuwajali wajane Kwale as partners.


TWKI envisages a society where widows are treated with dignity and live quality lives.


To empower widows and other vulnerable women out of stigma and socio economic marginalization, transform them and mentor them and enhance safe space for inclusive society.

Core Values

  • Feminism and solidarity
  • Dignity and respect
  • Collaboration and innovation
  • Innovation and sustainability
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Human rights and social justice

Areas of Focus

  • Psychosocial support
  • Leadership and governance
  • Peace and security
  • Referrals for justice
  • Climate change and food security
  • Economic Empowerment
  • Sexual reproductive health
  • Prevention and response to Gender based violence

Our Objectives

  • To develop and implement vocational training programs to enhance the employability and entrepreneurship skills of widows, young women grown in widowed homesteads, orphans and vulnerable women.
  • To facilitate access to microfinance and credit facilities to support the initiation and growth of income-generating activities.
  • To collaborate with educational institutions and organizations to provide scholarships and learning opportunities for the target group.
  • To create a network of support groups and counseling services to address the emotional and psychological needs of widows and vulnerable women.
  • Organize community events and awareness campaigns to reduce stigma and promote social inclusion.
  • Advocate for the rights and welfare of widows and vulnerable women at local, regional, and national levels.
  • Collaborate with policymakers to influence and implement supportive policies for the target group.
  • Foster a sense of community and solidarity among widows and vulnerable women through regular gatherings, events, and social activities.
  • Develop partnerships with other organizations and community leaders to strengthen the overall support system.

Key achievements

  • Has supported 101 widows with business kits under the 1k business challenge in the pick of covid 19 where their businesses had collapsed.
  • Has mobilized 821 women and assisted registration of 30 women self-help groups partnering with the organization
  • Has held meetings with different government departments to support widows, links to department of children for OVC cash transfer services and social services for inua Jamii program awareness.
  • Have been linked to non-governmental projects for awareness on human right, SGBV and matrimonial laws.
  • Has held the first ever international widows’ day where a petition was presented to the government on need to have widows’ plights addressed.
  • Has healed 111 Women from trauma through its trauma healing project for peace in partnership with Hifadhi initiative CBO.
  • Through the support with global one foundation the organization has reached 150 widowed farmers in organic farming project that targets 13 acres and 5 self-help widows groups attached to the organization. Global one has funded a solar powered irrigation system, donated farm tools,agricultural training on compost manure making and making organic pesticides.
  • The group has been at the fore front in creating awareness on the covid 19 pandemic.
  • The organization has changed the mind set of two widows whose ideology was antigovernment to see the importance of working with the government that resulted to them asking their daughters to attend the NYS recruitment 2021 in Msambweni where they were recruited for paramilitary training and have got professional courses.
  • The initiative was recognized by the department of social services as among the volunteer organization of the year 2020.
  • The initiative was the first ever to celebrate the international widows’ day in Kwale County a holiday that was not popular among stakeholders in the county.
  • The organization has built trust with stakeholders from both national and county governments the good relationship enhances better services to the beneficiaries
  • The group beneficiaries have had awareness on uwezo fund; National government affirmative action fund ,women enterprise fund and thamini loan and have benefited 1 got uwezo fund,5 got national government affirmative action fund and 7 got women enterprise fund.
  • The initiative won a small community peace grant by search for common ground and successfully implemented peace activities that brought political rivals on board and are now living as good neighbours.
  • The CBO has recently formed Mwanamke kwanza movement to call on board women in sustainable peace initiatives after the general elections.
  • The CBO is a member of the psychosocial and economic pillar at the KCAP
  • The CBO is also a member of the gender technical working group at the county level.
  • We have formed and registered a widows saving and credit cooperative society-a sustainable vehicle for widows economic empowerment.

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